Last evening, my online small group discussed how difficult it can be to accept God’s unconditional love. It’s too easy to feel like we have to earn God’s love. We beat ourselves up, wondering, “How in the world can God love me unconditionally? I’m so messed up!”
When we’re battling negative self-talk, it takes more than a resolve to think positive thoughts. We need something irrefutable to replace those negative thoughts, and God’s word is the best place to look! Here are some of my favorite verses that set me back on my feet when I’m in a downward spiral:
“as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” Psalm 103:12 (NIV). I think of this verse as God’s way of saying, “Do I have to draw a picture? This reminds me that God means what He says and says what he means about forgiveness. It’s forgotten. Period.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (NIV). Jesus did not wait for an apology or to see whether we’d learned our lesson before He gave His life for us. God still knows that we fall short, and He loves us just as He did then.
“But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!).” Ephesians 2:4-5 (NLT). God is merciful and loves us because that’s who He is. Our salvation is a gift of grace, which we cannot earn. Even when we mess up, His grace, mercy and love are still there.
“How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7 (NLT) God’s love is unfailing, so we know it endures and will never change. We can depend on His unconditional love because, once again, it’s who He is.
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 (NIV). Well, this is pretty definitive. His love transcends everything. Nothing — that means nothing — can make God stop loving us!
And that’s just a small sample. There are so many treasures from God’s word that are much better for us than those lies that we too often believe. My project is to collect and memorize verses to replace the negative self-talk.
How about you? Do you have a favorite verse about God’s unconditional love? If so, feel free to share in the comments!